A Marital Settlement Agreement is a legal contract that spells out your rights and obligations during a separation and divorce proceeding, as well as your post-divorce rights and obligations. The Marital Settlement Agreement is incorporated into a court-issued Judgment of Absolute Divorce–making it enforceable by the court that issued the Judgment.
At SmollonLaw, our legal team expertly guides you through the negotiation and preparation of comprehensive Marital Settlement Agreements, providing you with both an amicable resolution to your marriage and the security of an enforceable contract.
helping you in family court
An Alternative to Contested Divorce Trials

- Who will live in the marital residence
- Who will pay mortgage and car payments
- How marital property will be divided
- Whether, and if so how much, alimony will be paid
- How custody of the children will be handled
- How much child access and visitation a non-custodial parent will have
Divorce After Settlement
Entering into a comprehensive Marital Settlement Agreement allows parties to proceed with an uncontested absolute divorce proceeding on the grounds of Mutual Consent. An uncontested absolute divorce proceeding is a much simpler, healthier, and more amicable way for two people to end their marriage. Instead of spending one or more days arguing their case before a family court Judge the parties will instead spend fifteen to twenty minutes offering brief uncontested testimony.
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