Mediation involves the parties to litigation or dispute, meeting with a neutral third-party (the mediator) for assistance with reaching settlements and making decisions. The mediator does not represent either of the parties, and the mediator’s goal is to help the parties reach an agreement that satisfies everyone involved in their unique and particular family situation. If children are involved in the case, the mediator is always looking to help the parties remain child focused, seeking to work with the parties to make decisions that will be in their children’s best interest. Discussions held in mediation are confidential, and cannot be used by either party in court if the case does not settle.
helping you in family court
Benefits of Mediation

Mediation is significantly less expensive than taking a family law matter to court. Often times, the parties are able to negotiate a settlement within 2 to 3 meetings with an experienced mediator.
Mediation allows the parties to have the final say in how their case is resolved, instead of requiring a Judge to make decisions on their behalf and that of their family.
Agreements reached through mediation can be creative in nature and carefully crafted to meet the specific needs of any individual family situation.
Parties are able to speak to one another in a neutral, comfortable environment through mediation.
The mediator can help each party see the other’s point of view, and guide discussions to be more focused and productive.
Reaching an agreement through mediation is often a much healthier and less emotionally-taxing way to resolve family law disputes.
Discussions held in mediation are confidential–unlike courtroom testimony.
Cases Involving Domestic Violence
In cases involving domestic violence, mediation is possible with the consent of all parties. Special precautions are taken to ensure safety and civility for everyone involved. If necessary, the mediator will separate the parties to ensure that each feels comfortable and free to speak his or her mind. Furthermore, if either party feels threatened or the mediator recognizes an unhealthy shift in the discussions, the mediation can be terminated.
Why it is Advantageous to Have a Mediation Lawyer
Going through a divorce can be extremely emotional for all parties involved. When there are children, real estate and/or investments involved, it is extremely beneficial to utilize the family law mediation process to expedite the process and save money. If all parties involved can agree to commit to mediation, then it is possible to come to a fair agreement often times within 2-3 meetings. For those situations where children as well as complicated investments are involved, we often have meetings dedicated to child custody and meetings devoted to financials. For circumstances with intricate investments, we will often bring in highly vetted financial experts.
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