Divorce is one of the most difficult and life-changing events anyone can go through. At SmollonLaw in Columbia and Annapolis, Maryland we offer fierce advocacy and expert guidance through our legal representation to make an emotionally charged and stressful process more management. We take a step-by- step approach which is specially tailored to your individual circumstances to protect your interest, reach your goals, and get results. As a knowledgeable attorney with more than 25 years experience, I will fight to preserve your rights and help you create new circumstances which make you feel more secure.

helping you in family court

Types of Divorce

During the last several years Maryland law surrounding the divorce process has undergone significant change designed to streamline the divorce process, making it easier for the people of Maryland to initiate the divorce process and get final results. There are no longer two types of divorces proceedings in Maryland. Now, an absolute divorce is only type of divorce available in Maryland. An absolute divorce is a final ending to a marriage, resolving all applicable issues of child custody, child access and visitation, child support, alimony, and the division of marital property.

Without a marital settlement agreement, parties can file for an absolute divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, which does not require any period of separation prior to filing, or on the grounds of a 6- month separation. When there is a written separation agreement or marital settlement agreement in place resolving all issues of child custody, child access and visitation, child support, alimony, and the division of marital property, parties can proceed with an absolute divorce on the grounds of mutual consent even if they are still living in the same home.

It is no longer necessary to seek a limited divorce when parties have not been living separately for twelve months. The elimination of the limited divorce has streamlined the divorce process in Maryland making it more affordable to both initiate a separation and pay for an attorney to shepard you through the divorce process from start to finish.

As a divorce attorney, my goal is to help my clients navigate through the confusing process of obtaining a divorce, a process that is not user- friendly for unrepresented parties. While it is my goal and hope that ultimately parties going through a divorce will be able to reach an amicable resolution with my guidance and assistance, if that is not possible I am prepared to bring fierce trial advocacy skills to obtain results.

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